Editorial Team

The editorial team comprises of people with different disciplinary backgrounds, and from different status groups as well as institutional contexts. With this the inter-/transdisciplinarity and diversity within gender studies is to be reflected. In addition to the permanent members of the editorial team, other scholars support Open Gender Journal as temporary Collection Editors.


Dr. Kathrin Ganz (Margherita von Brentano Center, Freie Universität Berlin) is a political scientist and sociologist. Her main research interests are theories of hegemony, intersectionality, digitisation and Open Access. She is a founding editor of the Open Gender Journal. | E-mail | Website | ORCID

Editorial Management

Sabrina Schotten M.A. (Margherita-von-Brentano-Zentrum, Freie Universität Berlin) is a research associate in the DFG project „Open Gender Journal – Expansionshilfe“. | E-mail | Website | ORCID

Academic Editors

Dr. Käthe von Bose (Institute of Sociology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich) is a sociologist and gender researcher. Her work focuses on the sociology of gender and labor, intersectionality, ethnography, and theories of affect and space. | E-mail | Website

Prof. Dr. Tanja Carstensen (Institute for Sociology, University of Technology Chemnitz) is sociologist and gender researcher. Her main research areas are sociology of work and technology, sociology of digital transformation, and qualitative methods. She is a founding editor of the Open Gender Journal. | E-mail | Website

Elif Gül (Gender Studies – Department of Education, University of Wien & University of Graz) is a gender researcher. Her work focuses on reproductive justice, sexuality(ies), feminist science and technology research and femininity/masculinity in the context of contraceptive asymmetry. |E-mail | Website | ORCID

Dr. Gabriele Jähnert (Center for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) is a German literature scholar. Her current research focuses on institutional, knowledge and gender history. She is a founding editor of the Open Gender Journal. | E-mail | Website

Dshamilja Adeifio Gosteli, MA., MSc. (lecturer at the Gender Research Office, University of Vienna) is an educational scientist (specialising in educational psychology), lecturer at the University of Education in Fribourg (Switzerland) and the Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (sponsored by the federal government, Switzerland). They design and lead further education formats at LGBTQAIP+ conferences and for (prospective) school social workers and social pedagogues, including at the Alice Salomon Hochschule (Berlin) on the topic of intersectionality, and publishes for the psychological community. | dshamilja.gosteli@univie.ac.at | Website | ORCID

J.-Prof. Dr. Katrin Köppert (Institut of Theory, Academy of Fine Art Leipzig) is an art and media scholar. Her current research interests are queer media theory and affect studies, post- and decolonial (media) theories of the anthropocene, digital feminism and art, popular culture, photography theory and history. | E-mail | Website

Ksenia Meshkova (Center for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) | E-mail 

Dr. Kaye Mitchell is Senior Lecturer in Contemporary Literature and Co-Director of the Centre for New Writing at the University of Manchester, UK. She has research interests in women’s writing, feminist theory, queer theory, and experimental literature. She is Co-Editor of the Oxford University Press journal, Contemporary Women’s Writing. | E-mail | Website

Prof. Dr. Kerstin Palm (Department of History, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) is a biologist and cultural scientist. Her work focuses on the history of biology, gender epistemology, theories of materiality and new biological body concepts, theory and practice of trans- and interdisciplinarity. | E-mail | Website 

Dr. Anita Runge (Margherita von Brentano Center, Freie Universität Berlin) is a founding member of the editorial bord of  OGJ and editor of "querelles-net. Rezensionszeitschrift für Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung". Her main focus is on recent German literature, philosophy and literary gender studies. | E-mail | Website | ORCID

Prof. Dr. Eva Sänger (Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Cologne) is a sociologist and gender researcher. Her work focuses on praxeological, material-semiotic technology research, ethnographic methods and the biopolitics of pregnancy and birth. | E-mail | Website | ORCID

Dr. Dirk Schulz is a cultural scientist and managing director of the central academic institution GeStiK (Gender Studies in Cologne) at the University of Cologne. His main areas of research and teaching are Gender/Queer Studies/Theories, Anglophone Literatures and Cultures, Poststructuralist/Critical Theories, Semiotics and Popular/Celebrity Culture.| E-mail | Website

Prof. Kyoko Shinozaki, Ph.D. (Universität Salzburg, Department of Sociology and Human Geography) is a sociologist specialising in social change and mobilities. Her research focuses on migration and mobility research, institutional whiteness, sustainability and gender studies. | E-mail | Website | ORCID

Dr. Marcel Wrzesinski (Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society) is a philosopher and scholar in cultural studies. His work focuses on social movements, political aesthetics, pop culture, electronic publishing and Open Access. He is a founding editor of the Open Gender Journal. | E-mail | Website | ORCID

Collection Editors

Dr. Sabina García Peter (Margherita von Brentano Center, FU Berlin) for the section "Debata Feminista x Open Gender Journal: Gender-specific and Sexual Harassment, Discrimination and Violence in Higher Education Contexts" | E-mail | Website

Editorial Assistance

The editorial process was/is also supported by Peter Bofinger, Jacob Ginster (GeStiK, University of Cologne), Caroline Jebens (MvBZ, FU Berlin), Japhet Johnstone, Lydia Romanowski (ZtG, HU Berlin), Kerstin Rosenbusch (ZtG, HU Berlin), Hannah-Sophie Schüz (MvBZ, FU Berlin), Isabell Strobl (ZtG, HU Berlin), Sara Tewelde-Negassi (GeStiK, University of Cologne), Dr. Neha Vyas, qwir text + design.

Former Members of the Editorial Team

Dr. Bojan Bilić, Boka En, Prof. Dr. Urmila Goel, J.-Prof. Dr. Irina Gradinari, Ass.-Prof. Dr. Sabine Grenz, Dr. Japhet Johnstone, Prof. Dr. Bettina Kleiner, Dr. Mike Laufenberg, Dr. Anja Michaelsen, Dr. Julia Scholz, Prof. Dr. Susanne Völker, Dr. Tanja Wälty