Monitoring 2022
number of submissions: | 23 |
number of reviews requested: | 27 |
number of reviews received: | 23 |
approval rate: | 44% |
average time between submission and publication: | 202 Tage |
In 2022, 23 articles were submitted to the Open Gender Journal. Research articles made up the largest portion with 13 submissions, along with four book reviews and six submissions for the Digital Gender and Debate Feminista x Open Gender Journal sections.
The Editorial Board requested a total of 27 reviews on OJS this year; 23 reviews were submitted. However, the actual number of requested reviews is higher, as we request reviewers by email upon initial contact.
For 2022, the Open Gender Journal has an acceptance rate of 44 percent. The rejection rate of 56 percent is divided into desk rejections (44 percent) and after review rejections (11 percent). The low percentage of after review rejections after the review process is due to the fact that the reviewers most frequently recommended a revision of the articles, which is closely monitored by the editorial team. These revisions are also reflected in the duration of the publication process. For the articles published in 2022, the average time between submission and publication was 202 days.
This year, the editorial team fully met the goals it had set for itself: Six weeks are allowed for editorial assessment, but only 31 days were needed on average. During this period, the two responsible editors decide whether the submission meets the minimum requirements of the journal. If this is the case, the editors find suitable reviewers. The peer review process was also faster than anticipated: Instead of the target of 28 days, an average of only 24 days passed between the reviewers’ acceptance and the submission of the review.
It can be concluded from this that the commitment of the editorial staff, who work on a voluntary basis, reflects their time capacities well. In addition, it is clear that a large part of the publication process takes place in the period after the peer-review process: Here, the authors revise their texts and are supported by the academic editors. Most submissions are oriented towards the humanities or social sciences. In these subject cultures, particular importance is attached to the coherence of the content, linguistic clarity and formal correctness of the texts. The academic editors’ support and the proofreading before publication is therefore an essential part of quality assurance. The authors benefit from the fact that the editors work in an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary manner and thus accompany the submissions with both broad and deep expertise.