Monitoring 2023


number of submissions:: 32
number of reviews requested: 30
number of reviews received: 27
approval rate: 32%
average time between submission and publication: 205 Tage

In 2023, a total of 32 articles were submitted to the Open Gender Journal. These included 21 research articles, six submissions to the Debate Feminista x Open Gender Journal section, four reviews and one editorial.
In 2023, the editorial team requested a total of 30 reviews through OJS; 27 reviews were submitted over the course of the year. However, since the editorial team initially contacts new reviewers by email, the actual number of reviews requested is higher.

The Open Gender Journal has an acceptance rate of 32 percent for 2023. Two thirds of the rejected articles are "desk rejections", i.e. rejections before peer review. These are based on the standardized criteria used in the editorial assessment, such as an overly vague research question or an unclear description of methods and procedures. These problems are reported back to the authors in detail, often with an offer to resubmit a revised version. In this way, authors are informed at an early stage if their article is not ready for publication and reviewers are relieved (see the editorial of the 2021 issue for more information on the editorial assessment). Only one third of the rejected articles were rejected after peer review, as reviewers suggested revisions in most cases. We take this as an indication that the pre-selection by the editorial team in the editorial assessment correctly assesses the chances of publication in most cases. In addition, the higher overall rejection rate is a sign that the selection of published texts is carried out with a degree of care that ensures publication in a high-quality environment.

Much of the time between submission and publication (2023: 205 days on average) is spent in the post-peer review revision phase. Authors are closely supported by the editorial team. In 2023, the journal was able to offer external scientific editing, which was carried out by the agency Qwir text + design. This dual support from the editorial team and external editors is an important part of the journal's quality assurance. In particular, the diversity of subjects and disciplines represented in the editorial team ensures both breadth and depth of expertise. We are therefore pleased that we have been able to recruit additional academic editors in 2023 to further enhance this diversity.