On the Concept of Internalized Homophobia in Social Psychology. Reconstructing ‚Integrated Identity‘ as an Emancipatory Vision


  • Folke Brodersen TU Berlin




homophobia, homosexuality, subjectivity, discourse, emancipation


The social psychological concept of internalized homophobia is frequently featured in science, psychotherapy and political activism. It aims to explain psychic distress in gay men and lesbian women through their internalization of negative values and stereotypes. Possible consequences could involve a diminished self-esteem, relationship problems, sexual risk-taking and suicidal tendencies. The article reconstructs this scientific concept based on the measuring scales in use. These operationalizations of the societal damage presuppose ex negativo a sound homosexual subject and gauge its (in)coherent self, based on the integration of a lesbian or gay identity. The bold wish of a Coming-out, the pride in one’s own sexual identity and the protection of the homosexual in-group are used as indicators of this integration. These relations to the self frame the political goals of scientific discourse and its emancipatory vision, for which each subject is individually responsible.

Author Biography

Folke Brodersen, TU Berlin

Folke Brodersen, Stipendiat der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung und Doktorand am Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung (Prof. Sabine Hark), TU Berlin.


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How to Cite

Brodersen, F. (2018). On the Concept of Internalized Homophobia in Social Psychology. Reconstructing ‚Integrated Identity‘ as an Emancipatory Vision. Open Gender Journal, 2. https://doi.org/10.17169/ogj.2018.23



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