Biographical Agency of Male Au Pair Migration to Germany




Biography, Care Work, Masculinity, Migration, Performativity, Au pair


Au pair mobility has long been dominated by females. In recent years, young men have also begun to travel abroad as au pairs, but little is known about their motives and perspectives on this gender atypical migration pathway and occupation. Based on Schütze’s concept of biographical patterns, dynamics, and change processes this article shows how young men use the au pair stay as a biographical moratorium of emerging adulthood. By transcending expectation patterns of masculinity in their home and receiving context, they initiate a biographical turning process which allows them to escape a life course trajectory in their home country that is determined by high unemployment and access highly skilled jobs in Germany. In the au pair families, they are expected to perform “caring masculinity” for male children to substitute the missing participation of fathers. Hence, the commodification of care work does not only imply the outsourcing of practical tasks to an employee but also relational work of doing gender within families.

Author Biography

Caterina Rohde-Abuba, Universität Bielefeld

Caterina Rohde-Abuba holds a PhD in sociology awarded with distinction in 2013 by Bielefeld University (Germany). Her dissertation focused on the au pair migration of Russian women to Germany and included fieldwork in Germany and Russia. She is head of research at World Vision Germany and an associated researcher at the Centre for German and European Studies, St. Petersburg State University – Bielefeld University. Previously, Rohde-Abuba worked as a researcher and lecturer at Bielefeld University, Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, and Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences (Germany). She has studied sociology with a focus on European studies and migration at the University Bamberg (Germany), the University of Latvia, the University of Vienna (Austria), and the University of Bremen (Germany).


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Cover art: pink background with soap bubbles; Text: International Conference Care Migration Gender Ambivalent Interdependencies; Logo HU Berlin




How to Cite

Rohde-Abuba, C. (2020). Biographical Agency of Male Au Pair Migration to Germany. Open Gender Journal, 4.



Care – Migration – Gender. International Conference (HU Berlin, 2019)
