Racist constructions of femininity and masculinity. Experiences of racism and coping skills of people read as Asians

Anna-Natalia Koch: Anti-asiatischer Rassismus und gender. Eine qualitativ-biographische Studie. Springer VS. 2022





Biography Research, Intersectionality, Racism, Sexism


This review is about Anna-Natalia Koch's master thesis, published in 2022 which is based on 20 interviews and deals with (gender-related) experiences of racism among people read as Asians. Koch focuses the research question what kind of racism people read as Asian experience throughout their biography, how they interpret and deal with it. Furthermore gender-related experiences of racism and interpretations are focused. Koch concludes that all participants have experienced racism, but classify, define and evaluate it differently. The intersectional view of gender and racism shows racist constructions of femininity and masculinity, which result in different coping strategies. In the review, weaknesses and strengths of the work are shown. The results and their relevance are discussed and are placed in current debates.

Author Biography

Ines Hiegemann, Universität Vechta

Ines Hiegemann is a PhD student of gerontology at the University of Vechta and Catholic University of Applied Sciences in Münster. She is writing about the biographical (re)construction of the intersection of gender and age(ing) in relation to the utilization of organized leisure activities for elderly people. Currently she is working at the regional office for age, care and dementia Ruhr with a focus on diversity. Before, she has worked at the Catholic University of Applied Sciences in Münster and in several research projects at the Institut für Soziale Arbeit e.V. and the Bergische Universität Wuppertal.


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Cover: Anna-Natalia Koch. Anti-asiatischer Rassismus und gender. Eine qualitativ-biographische Studie



How to Cite

Hiegemann, I. (2024). Racist constructions of femininity and masculinity. Experiences of racism and coping skills of people read as Asians: Anna-Natalia Koch: Anti-asiatischer Rassismus und gender. Eine qualitativ-biographische Studie. Springer VS. 2022. Open Gender Journal, 8. https://doi.org/10.17169/ogj.2024.274



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