Editorial of Issue 2024
More than Editorial Work: A Project Recap
Open Access, Open Science, Publishing, Quality AssuranceAbstract
The editorial offices of scholar-led journals fulfil numerous tasks that go far beyond mere editorial work. In order to promote a journal and develop it further according to the needs and standards of scholarly publishing, they need resources. The Open Gender Journal has received support from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation, DFG) for the past two years. During the Expansionshilfe-Projekt (expansion support project) (2022–2024) we have implemented a number of processes to further develop the journal, particularly in the areas of quality assurance and promotion. We have adapted acquisition strategies and formats, and developed transparency measures. The project also has enabled us to become actively involved in communities in order to work more closely with stakeholders in the open access community and to raise awareness of open science in gender studies.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Kathrin Ganz, Sabrina Schotten
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