Understanding Classism

Seeck, Francis: Zugang verwehrt. Keine Chance in der Klassengesellschaft: wie Klassismus soziale Ungleichheit fördert. Atrium Verlag. 2022.


  • Inga Haese University of Kassel




Class, Discrimination, Poverty, Social Inequality


In this small volume on classism, Francis Seeck once again shows how German society is structured by the category of class and provides new insights that reveal devaluation mechanisms and promote the empowerment of those affected. In doing so, Seeck tries to take multiple discrimination seriously – an approach that seems interesting for gender studies, but is difficult.

Correction: This article is a corrected version of the review „Klassismus verstehen". The original version contained incorrect information about Francis Seeck. It was depublished on 31.10.2022 and replaced by the corrected version.

Author Biography

Inga Haese, University of Kassel

Dr. Inga Haese is a research associate at the University of Kassel in the Department of Sociology and conducts research on practices of care, solidarity economies, transformations of rural spaces and gender relations. She blogs at stadtlandfrau.blog, was a research assistant at the Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung and completed her doctorate with a study on charisma in an East German city in the context of deindustrialisation and social upheaval. She currently teaches on concepts of intersectionality.


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Kemper, Andreas (2014): Klassismus: Theorie-Missverständnisse als Folge fehlender anti-klassistischer Selbstorganisation? Replik zu Christian Baron: Klasse und Klassismus, PROKLA 175. PROKLA. Zeitschrift für Kritische Sozialwissenschaft 44 (176), 425–429. doi: https://doi.org/10.32387/prokla.v44i176.165

van Dyk, Silke/Graefe, Stefanie (2019): Wer ist schuld am Rechtspopulismus? Zur Vereinnahmung der Vereinnahmungsdiagnose: eine Kritik. In: Leviathan 47 (4), 405–427. doi: https://doi.org/10.5771/0340-0425-2019-4-405

Buchcover Zugang verwehrt, grüner Hintergrund, weiße und grüne Schrift



How to Cite

Haese, I. (2022). Understanding Classism: Seeck, Francis: Zugang verwehrt. Keine Chance in der Klassengesellschaft: wie Klassismus soziale Ungleichheit fördert. Atrium Verlag. 2022. Open Gender Journal, 6. https://doi.org/10.17169/ogj.2022.209



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