Women in University Medicine: How "Glass Ceilings" are Individualized
Ginal, Marina: Geschlechterungleichheiten in der Universitätsmedizin. Zum Einfluss der Organisationskultur auf den Ausstieg von Habilitandinnen. Wiesbaden, Springer VS. 2019.
University, Career, Power, Medicine, SubjectivationAbstract
Why do an above-average number of women leave university medicine during the habilitation phase and why does this leaving present itself as an individual predicament? Marina Ginal explores this in an interdisciplinary way using the example of the exit of female university physicians from the academic world. Characteristic hurdles on the way to a habilitation are discussed sociologically, psychologically, and socio-anthropologically and linked to the analysis of the mechanisms of hegemonically male-dominated organizational cultures, neoliberal developments of working conditions, and subjectification phenomena.
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