Looking Askance and Envy

Subtle Gender Violence in the Neoliberalised Academia





Colombia, Gender Violence, Neoliberalism, University


This article shows how envy is a form of subtle gender violence within academia. Women professors at the National University of Colombia that participated in this study perceive that they are envied for their academic production within an androcentric system that devalues the knowledge and contributions of women. This occurs in a neoliberal context of scarcity of resources that hinders research and scientific production, but economically stimulates those who produce academic output. Thus, the perception of the envy resulting from professional development leads to sinuous relationships among colleagues, leading women professors to self-isolation. At the same time, this also has consequences for their students, since one way of harming the professors is by obstructing the academic progress of people close to them.

Author Biography

Isaura Castelao-Huerta, Centre for Gender Research and Studies (CIEG), UNAM

Isaura Castelao-Huerta has a PhD in Human and Social Sciences at the National University of Colombia. She holds a Master’s Degree in Gender Studies from The College of Mexico (Colmex), and a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Science from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Her research is concerned with the effects of neoliberal policies in higher education and the ways in which they intertwine with gender. She currently works as a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Gender Research and Studies (CIEG), UNAM.


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Weiße Hand auf lila Hintergrund, Text: Belästigung, Diskriminierung, Gewalt im Hochschulkontext


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2023-06-07 — Updated on 2023-08-07


How to Cite

Castelao-Huerta, I. (2023). Looking Askance and Envy: Subtle Gender Violence in the Neoliberalised Academia. Open Gender Journal, 7. https://doi.org/10.17169/ogj.2023.245 (Original work published June 7, 2023)



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