Systematisation of Gender or Systematisation of School?
Lydia Jenderek: Geschlechterbewusste Pädagogik in der Praxis. Eine wissenschaftssoziologische Rekonstruktion diskursiver Deutungsmuster. Verlag Barbara Budrich. 2021.
Pedagogy, School, DiscourseAbstract
The thematisation or negotiation of gender using the example of gender-conscious pedagogy has been widely and in part critically discussed within educational science for years. Among other things, it has become apparent that there is no consensus on the understanding of gender and the related 'appropriate' handling of gender and gender-specific inequalities. Lydia Jenderek deals with precisely this discourse and reconstructs, based on primarily problem-centred interviews with teachers, which negotiations of gender-conscious pedagogy take place in the field of school. With the help of sociological discourse analysis, Jenderek is able to show impressively that not only different positioning with regard to gender is leading, but that gender-conscious pedagogy becomes an individual topic of the teachers, who are thus to be understood as an essential factor in its implementation.
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