What is (queer_feminist) politics?

Inga Nüthen: Geschlecht, Sexualität und Politik: Aspekte queer_feministischer Politikverständnisse. Barbara Budrich. 2023


  • Veronika von Wachter Interdisciplinary Women's and Gender Studies, Technische Universität Berlin




Feminism, Gender studies, Political Science, Queer Theory


In her dissertation, Inga Nüthen presents a systematisation of "queer_feminist" conceptions of politics along five thematic axes. The particular strength of the analysis lies in its broad perspective, which on the one hand enables classical feminist critiques of political science's conception of politics to be placed in relation to explicitly queer-feminist approaches, and on the other to link these contestations back to debates in political science, for example concerning a radical democratic understanding of politics. Nüthen's work at the interface between gender studies and political science thus clearly contributes to further establishing a field that has so far been under-theorised, especially in the German-speaking research landscape.

Author Biography

Veronika von Wachter, Interdisciplinary Women's and Gender Studies, Technische Universität Berlin

Veronika von Wachter studied political science, sociology and philosophy in a German-French study program between Eichstätt, Rennes and Toulouse. In her doctorate at the Center for Interdisciplinary Women's and Gender Studies at TU Berlin, she is working on the question of how politics can be conceived beyond the nature/culture dualism.


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Cover: Inga Nüthen. Geschlecht, Sexualität und Politik: Aspekte queer_feministischer Politikverständnisse



How to Cite

von Wachter, V. (2024). What is (queer_feminist) politics? Inga Nüthen: Geschlecht, Sexualität und Politik: Aspekte queer_feministischer Politikverständnisse. Barbara Budrich. 2023. Open Gender Journal, 8. https://doi.org/10.17169/ogj.2024.286



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