Der (re)produktive Körper in der südafrikanischen Ökonomie der Eizellspenden. Ein feministischer Dialog über Materialität/en


  • Verena Namberger Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin



bioeconomy, assisted reproductive technology, reproductive labour, commodification, South Africa


The paper explores the South African bioeconomy of egg donation as a case study of new modes of ‚inserting bodies into the machinery of (re)production‘ in biocapitalism. It revolves around the twofold question: How does the pathway from biomaterial to biocapital work and which role(s) does the (re)productive body play thereby? I bring two strands of feminist work and their different perspectives on the matter of bodies in conversation with each other: On the one hand critical analyses of the bioeconomy in the tradition of Marxist feminism that highlight naturalised clinical labour in bioeconomic regimes of accumulation, and on the other hand feminist body theories in the field of STS that conceptualise the body beyond Cartesian dualisms as an effect of the intra-action of discourse, technology and matter. Based on my ethnographic research I unfold the different dimensions of clinical labour in egg donation and illustrate the complex relations between the (re)productive body and labour at play. My analysis highlights the need for a continued dialogue between ‚old­‘ and ‚new‘ feminist materialisms.


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How to Cite

Namberger, V. (2017). Der (re)produktive Körper in der südafrikanischen Ökonomie der Eizellspenden. Ein feministischer Dialog über Materialität/en. Open Gender Journal, 1.



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