Gender Equality and the Rule of Law in the EU

The Polish Judicial Reform




Activism, European Union, Equality, Gender, LGBTIQ, Poland, Law


In the European Union’s (EU) legal framework, the rule of law and gender equality are anchored in Article 2 of the Treaty of Lisbon (TEU). They are described as fundamental values ​​of the Union. In this spirit, the payment of EU funds was recently linked to the requirements for member states to comply with the rule of law in Directive 2020/2092. Regarding the controversial judicial reform in Poland, the European Commission also initiated rule of law proceedings under Article 7 TEU for the first time in its history. However, the principle of equality granted therein finds its limits where competences are divided between the Member States and the Union and access to policymaking is affected. The latter is important for the continuous redefinition of gender. This is illustrated by the example of gender quality activism and the current judicial reform in Poland. In this context, the decisions of the European Court of Justice can, therefore, only intervene selectively, but they cannot be a substitute for a sustainable political and social integration of gender equality.


Author Biography

Berit Ebert, American Academy in Berlin & Bard College Berlin

Dr Berit Ebert is a political scientist and received her doctorate from the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen with a thesis on European Union (EU) gender equality law. She teaches at Bard College Berlin. Her research focuses on the intersection of European law, gender equality, and democracy and the rule of law in the EU. As Vice President of Programs, she is responsible for public programming at the American Academy in Berlin.


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How to Cite

Ebert, B. (2022). Gender Equality and the Rule of Law in the EU: The Polish Judicial Reform. Open Gender Journal, 6.



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