The Role of “Watershed Cases“ in Implementing Policies on Gender-Based Violence and Harassment in English Higher Education Institutions




England, Higher Education, Sexual Harassment, University, Violence


Tackling gender-based violence and harassment (GBVH) is an increasingly urgent task for higher education institutions (HEIs) globally. This article explores why HEIs take different approaches in the enactment of policies tackling GBVH. Through a comparative case study approach exploring two contrasting English HEIs, it focuses on one specific aspect of policy implementation that has been a particular challenge: formal report handling. One HEI had implemented national legal guidance in this area, while the other had not. In neither case were HEIs’ work in this area primarily driven by the national guidance; instead a proactive response in one HEI was shaped by a ‘watershed case’ of sexual violence. The article problematises analyses that homogenise the HE sector as taking a uniform approach on this issue, revealing a more complicated reality where institutional actors are highly aware of problems with institutional processes, and where cultures around GBVH shape policy implementation.

Author Biography

Anna Bull, University of York

Dr Anna Bull is a Senior Lecturer in Education and Social Justice at the University of York and a director of The 1752 Group, a research and campaign organisation addressing sexual misconduct in higher education. She researches inequalities in classical music and sexual harassment in higher education and the creative industries. Winner of the British Sociological Association 2020 Philip Abrams prize, her research has been funded by the UK’s Economic and Social Research Council, British Academy and Research England, among others. Industry publication Times Higher Education named her as one of their ‘Faces of 2021’ for her research on sexual misconduct in universities.


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Cover: Genderspezifische und sexualisierte Belästigung Diskriminierung Gewalt im Hochschulkontext




How to Cite

Bull, A. (2025). The Role of “Watershed Cases“ in Implementing Policies on Gender-Based Violence and Harassment in English Higher Education Institutions. Open Gender Journal, 9.



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