Körperlichkeit, Materialität und Gender in Theater und Theaterwissenschaft
Theater, Performance, Körper, Materialität, Performativität, AffektAbstract
In theatre studies, particular importance is attributed to the body – the constitutive dimension of the liveness of events is defined via the physical presence of the actors’ and spectators’ bodies. An event – the performance – is carried out at a specific place in a particular period of time; it evades complete control, is fleeting and singular and is generated from the mutual relationship and influence of two groups – actors and participants/audience members. Bodies, sounds, objects, etc. on stage are understood as the temporary results of diverse materialisation and embodiment processes. Our paper now makes the relationship between physicality, materiality and gender in theatre and theatre studies the focus of the analysis and aims to identify and highlight the interdependence of the three categories: on the one hand, it is intended to be a concept theory and history-based discussion of the three categories from theatre studies, aesthetic and gender-theory perspectives that refers to terms developed over the past ten to fifteen years; on the other hand, the three categories will be examined in relation to contemporary theatre and the aesthetic strategies of cross-dressing, nakedness and the affection of things.References
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